IAFF Local 1762 Firefighters
PIIERS Exposure Reporting
Posted On: Jan 15, 2024

Personal Injury-Illness-Exposure Reporting System (PIIERS)

Sponsored by the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters for all Fire Fighters.

The PIIERS system allows members to keep an ongoing personal record of injury, illness, and exposure to hazardous chemicals as a result of job related activities. All information is kept confidential and anonymous, and all communication with the system is transmitted via encrypted SSL technology for security.

  • https://www.piiers.org/ 

  • Download the App on your phone so you can easily report it after a call.

  • Officers, please encourage your crew to sit down and complete a report after each call will a possible exposure.

Document Your Exposures

It’s no secret that your profession puts you in environments filled with known chemicals, carcinogens, toxins, and diseases. As a result, it has been proven that fire fighters and EMS personnel are more prone to certain illnesses and cancers than the general population.

PIIERS, the Personal Injury Illness Exposure Reporting System, allows you to document all your exposures to chemicals, smoke, toxins, diseases, injuries, and traumas throughout your career. All information is kept confidential and anonymous, and all communication with the system is transmitted via encrypted SSL technology for security.

As a PIIERS user, you can run customizable reports of your injuries and exposures that can be shared with your doctor. Use the database to show changes over certain time periods or over your entire career.

How to Access PIIERS:

Register an account: Members of the 7th district can access the system at no charge. Other users outside of the 7th district can access PIIERS at the cost of $5 per year.

For more information about the PIIERS system contact the WSCFF.

Contact Info
IAFF Local 1762
PO Box 594
Issaquah, WA 98027

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